Monday, January 18, 2010

the word

So for my google word for the day I chose my name. Very interesting. There were more of me then I thought! I need to buy more hats I guess..... There is a very popular one in Californa. She leads a very interesting life by the looks of it. But not me. Then I found me! And my hometown. Which then I put into a whitepages site and got my address! Gee I hope I don't have any stalkers out there. Maybe I should be locking more doors around here..... Nah, my dog would annihilate them the second they hit the door. But at any rate, be careful what you put out there!

I gotta go someone is knocking at my door.... JK!

1 comment:

-SPW said...

I don't get much. I have a unique last name. Its good to check once in a while to see what a poential employer could. (i.e. another person by your name who sells ... well there are lots of things one could sell from the safety of the internet.. You get my drift!)

So tomorrow I get to find out what TMI means? :D